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Community Projects in North America

Ambacebador Network

The Ambacebador Network is a social movement among Guayakí’s top enthusiasts. It is a community of individuals who bond over similar interests, values, and a shared passion for yerba mate. Guayakí supports its Ambacebadores by providing an online space to share and connect, and through in-person meet-ups and experiences designed to carry those online relationships offline into the local community. Through participating in this program, Ambacebadores develop lasting friendships as they discover more about the Guayakí brand, yerba mate culture, and each other. The Ambacebador Network is unique to Guayakí, and stems from yerba mate’s South American roots, with a rich history of bringing the community together through sharing and connection.

In March 2022, we launched the new Ambacebador app and evolved strategy – both supporting increased connection functionality, enhanced UX, and better engagement among members. We also started to host in-person gatherings towards the end of 2022 and will continue in 2023. Prior to 2022, the Ambacebador network was for college students only. With relaunch we removed the age cap, and since then growth has been just over 70% college-aged, 20% 22-25 years old, and the remainder going up to 33 and beyond.

In 2023, we are partnering with Voiz Academy to offer a 6-week sustainability course to selected applicants from the Ambacebador Network. Guayakí is sponsoring students to participate and will be featured as a business case study, with team members as guest speakers.

Volunteering and Land Stewardship Days

Guayakí plans company, office, and team-wide volunteer and/or land stewardship days. We work with local non-profit organizations dedicated to sustainability, promoting social equity, and the regeneration of our planet’s resources. Activities are varied and range from mulching landscapes to helping at the food bank. Some of the volunteer and land stewardship activities we participated in 2022 included:

  • Our Petaluma, California warehouse and Sebastopol, California logistics teams participated in two separate coastal clean-up outings at Doran Beach, California
  • Our Sebastopol, California office and our November 2022 Guayakí U cohort volunteered with LandPaths at Bayer Farm community garden in Santa Rosa, California on two separate occasions
  • The Yerba Mate Co. Jacksonville, Florida-based teams participated in two coastal clean-up outings at Little Talbot Island State Park and Atlantic Beach in Florida
  • Guayakí Canada joined OceanWise Shoreline Clean Up and set a goal to pick up 1lb of trash in local parks and communities for every case sold and will be continuing this initiative in 2023.
hand holding can of yerb amate